Every year Integra receives participants from all Europe providing them with the chance of enjoying a personal and work experience…
Integra participates in the European Solidarity Corps, a program focused mainly on activities that promote social inclusion and cooperation…
Our aim is to promote and put into practice activities aimed to promote decent living conditions and a…


Every year Integra receives participants from all Europe providing them with the chance of enjoying a personal and work experience. Young people that can put into practice all the knowledge they have acquired during their learning path and, in addition, have the chance to develop social and personal skills living in an environment they are not used to.

    European Solidarity Corps

    Integra participates in the European Solidarity Corps (previously known as European Voluntary Service), a program focused mainly on activities that promote social inclusion and cooperation, especially for refugees and migrants. The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is a training experience born in 2017 and funded by the European Commission through the “Eramus+” program (2014-2020 in the case of the EVS and 2021-2027 in the case of the ESC), that allows young people between 17 and 30 years old to carry out a voluntary project in other country for a period that generally lasts between 2 and 12 months.

    The goals of the program are:

    • building up solidarity;
    • promoting tolerance;
    • strengthening social cohesion within the European Union;
    • improving young people’s capacities to make easier for them the access to the labour market;
    • improving mutual understanding among young people.


      Our target is to promote and put into action activities aimed to encourage decent living conditions and a healthy social relationships system that allows people with difficulties on their personal and/or social autonomy to feel they belong in the community and to have both their role and identity valued.

        Integra Coruña  |  CIF G- 15.943.665  |  Paseo Marítimo 4, bajo izquierda - 15002 A Coruña - España